Thank you for the 5th Art of Hosting training in Vietnam!
How might we rediscover the art of being a neighbor?
14th – 17th March, 2024
Bai Dinh, Ninh Binh, Vietnam

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Info Calls – Ask us anything about the AoH training 2024 in Vietnam
The 5th Art of Hosting training in Vietnam is coming soon in March 2024. No training is the same - some of us who have attended all 4 of them can confidently confirm that. We learned from the past trainings that whether you are coming back or totally new to an AoH...
When Every Meeting is an Opportunity to Practice
[By Nam Taro] The verb ‘practice’ denotes the repeated execution of an activity or skill to achieve or maintain mastery in it. As hosts, we practice hosting; as harvesters, we practice harvesting. This language reminds us that we are ever within the continuum of learning.
Four-fold practice, a reflection
[By Linh Pham] The four-fold is a practice, and like a shower, it works best when done regularly. Fortunately, one needn’t call themself a host to start practicing. For the Art of Hosting, ultimately, is just the Art of Living — living a life where I am healthy, engaged, have meaning, and loved.
Art of Hosting – Art of Living
[By Trang Iris] It was about November when I came back to the 4th AOH training. With a simple intention to witness, listen to, and receive whatever happening in the training, I joined without any specific expectation. But then, somehow, surprisingly, miracle happened to me when I told my personal story to other participants.

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